martes, 28 de octubre de 2014


Watch the following videos and answer:
 1st Video: What is colour? Colm Kelleher. 
 1.What is light?
 2.What is frequency?
 3.What is colour?
 4.Which is the visible lowest frequency of light?
5.Which is the visible highest frequency of light?
 6.Why do we see the pencil yellow?
7.Why do we see the polar bear White?
8.Why do we see the metalica T-shirt black?  

2nd Video: How do we see color. Colm Kelleher
1.Why do we see a yellow colour if we are only receiving red and green colour lights?
2.What do we use this fact for? Give an example of a practical use.
3.How do we perceive a yellow colour if we only have cells able to perceive red, green and blue?
4.What is the name for the specific cells that detect the different colour waves?
 5.How many different cones do we have in the retina?
6.When do rods work? What do they distinguish?

 3rd Video: The truth about colour
1.What is the colour Wheel?
2.When does the additive colour system work?
 3.What are the primary colour lights?
 4.What are the secondary colour lights?
 5.Draw a diagram that explains the additive colour system.
 6.When does the subtractive colour system work?
 7.What are the primary colour paints?
8.What are the secondary colour paints?
9.What is the definition for a primary colour?
10.Draw a diagram that explains the subractive colour system.
11.Draw a colour Wheel with the primary, secondary and transition colour paints, that explains the subtractive colour theory.

 4th Video: Understanding colour. Staturation and Value. Colour harmonies
 1.Why is it important to be able to use colour effectively? What do we use it for?
 2.Define the concept of saturation.
3.Define the concept of value.
 4.What is the problem of using highly saturated colours?
 5.What do we use the highly saturated colours for?
 6.What is the relationship between briht and highly saturated colours and mood, or dull and disaturated colors and mood?
7.What is the monochromatic colour scheme? When and how is it best used?
8.What is an analogous colour scheme? When and how is it best used?
9.What is the triadic colour scheme? When and how is it best used?
 10.What is a complementary colour scheme? When and how is it best used?
11.What is a Split complementary scheme? When and how is it best used?
12.What is the tretatic or double complementary colour scheme? When and how is it best used?

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